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Monday 8/9/10 - Printable Version

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Re: Monday 8/9/10 - Beckster - 08-09-2010

Chip Wrote:As soon as I turned 19, I spent just about every weekend over there for around 2 years.
And now I've just got my enhanced drivers license, so I can start going back over (as long as I drive) when ever I want now.
How long does that drive take? A couple days?

I think it took us a week... I had to have been 13yrs old or so. I kinda would like to do a circle tour of the other 4 lakes too. Lake Michigan is still my fave of them.

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - LeNeve - 08-09-2010

My brother in law must leave his fb up at work. Someone is always posted gay shit for his status. It's hilarious. Today he needs a fat dick like right now. :roflmao: :roflmao:

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - Brian - 08-09-2010

LeNeve Wrote:My brother in law must leave his fb up at work. Someone is always posted gay shit for his status. It's hilarious. Today he needs a fat dick like right now. :roflmao: :roflmao:

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - Chip - 08-09-2010

beckster aka Tatertits Wrote:
Chip Wrote:Hey, I was actually thinking of spending a weekend up there this summer, I might have to get a list of the best things to do around there.
I haven't been there since I was little.

Red Wings training camp is the beginning of September, they usually stay at the Holiday Inn. They tend to hang out all over town, but mostly at Gordie Howe's bar up there. ;-)

You need to head over to Sleeping Bear Dunes... Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive is incredible. That's the 450ft drop off. The shops in Glen Arbor and on Front St in TC are cool. There's a ton to do... Seriously, let me know what kind of stuff you want to see/do and I'll hook you up. I haven't been to any bars up there in the past few years, since my nieces were born... I tend to prefer to play with them.

Sweet, I'll hit ya up. It might not be until the fall though.

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - Pokes28 - 08-09-2010

My weekend was full and weird.

Friday night was my B-Day party. Had a great time. Lots of friends came and I drank WAY too much. The bar started carrying Fat Tire just for us and I drank about 12 of them. I left the bar about 1:00 AM. So I crawl into bed about 2:00 after eating a grilled cheese sandwich.

Up at 6:15 AM to get ready for a triathlon training camp that is at a state park North of Girard, KS. It is about an hour drive and I have to stop and get breakfast so I'm about 15 minutes late. I felt like ass through the open water swim training. Was good though. But I have a long ways to go in the water. Having a hard time swimming more than 100 meters at a shot. It was hot and humid and the wind was blowing about 20 MPH so our bike ride was hard the first 12-14 miles as we were right into the wind. The 2nd half where we came back was great. Averaged over 25 MPH for that distance. Then the run was very hard as I didn't have much left in the tank. I got home about 6:00 PM and I'm pretty badly sunburned due to wearing a tri-top as opposed to a bicycle jersey like I normally do. My Garmin GPS Forerunner 305 sports watch wouldn't get a satellite signal all day so I have no metrics about the ride / run other than what tidbits I got from other participants. So I'm on the phone with Garmin to get an RMA to send this in.

Yesterday Sarah and I went to NE Oklahoma to my dad's house (he's moving back here from California sometime soon) to tear out some carpet and set off some bug foggers. Ended up being stuck outside for over an hour waiting on my cousin to show up with the key. Finally got in and did the work and was able to get home by about 5:30. Just relaxed last night and now back to the grind.

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - LeNeve - 08-09-2010

I hate those smelly hippies that save the whales from the japanese.

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - Pete Nice - 08-09-2010

An artists impression of Rich at the wedding:

[Image: thumbnail-big-Groomzilla-ILLUS.jpg]

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - Pete Nice - 08-09-2010

Rich Davis staring as.....

[Image: 01love.190.jpg]

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - Pete Nice - 08-09-2010

beckster aka Tatertits Wrote:I had a nice weekend, despite a rough start. I had originally planned on heading Up North Thursday through Sunday, but work ruined that. Then knightryda wasn't sure he could go, so I had to wait from him to make up his damn mind. We ending up driving to Traverse City (3-1/2 hours one way) for the day Saturday... We had a blast up there though, he's never been, so I took him up the Dunes, on his first canoe trip ever, swimming at the beach (3ft waves in Lk Mich!! :happy: :happy: ) and showed him the 450 ft high view over the lake. It was great, and it sucked to have to drive all the way home that night... I missed the Fights and was just exhausted. We got home about 2am.

If any of you ever plan on coming to Michigan, I would love to show off that area... I cannot emphasize enough how much I love it up there. My family has been visiting there every year for the past 3 generations. I have never not gone... Shit, I would consider moving up there, especially when I'm older.

I bought a couple cheap pairs of sunglasses and acute little t-shirt for his daughter.

I was up there for work once for a week in September. It is nice there, I enjoyed it.

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - Derick - 08-09-2010

beckster aka Tatertits Wrote:
Derick Wrote:
Joe In PA Wrote:
Derick Wrote:the guy next to me with the hot daughter just brought his new mac book pro over to show me, i want one so bad

Is that guy a homosexual?
no. Now there are 2 things I want that he has, his daughter and his computer

pedofile :?
shes of legal age

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - NussieT - 08-09-2010

I'm concerned... Both Pete and Derick were hanging out with 15 year olds this weekend....
Fathers lock up your daughters!!!!

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - JDubb - 08-09-2010

Hey DBN!

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - JDubb - 08-09-2010

Did anyone mention it was Covino's birthday yesterday?

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - Brian - 08-09-2010

With Rich, there is no quick wedding question.

Re: Monday 8/9/10 - JDubb - 08-09-2010

Brian in NY Wrote:With Rich, there is no quick wedding question.

You've noticed that too. :roflmao: