Dudebro Nation

Full Version: Wed-NUSS-day 10/10
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Fail of the day... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I'd just wipe my hands off, and say, well, looks like we're done here, all cleaned up.
Chip Wrote:I'd just wipe my hands off, and say, well, looks like we're done here, all cleaned up.
Yep.. roads open now, go about your business.
good morning everyone
J Dubb's brother's place?

sent from 1975.
fresh wet p dubs
windows in toyotas are spontaneously combusting and killing babies.
P-Dub needs to clean the place up a bit.
did you know that milk snakes kill human babies also. or eat them. I forgot what I changed the wikipedia to say. :roflmao:
I was talking with the car wash kid here, and he said they were not allowed to use wikipedia to do research for school projects. You know that most of them did though. I really hope some doofus in the world has done a milk snake report in the last few days, and put that milk snakes eat babies in his report.
back in my day I had to copy my reports by hand from real encyclopedias at the library. I would mess the grammar, spelling, and dumb down a few of the big words, on purpose so it looked like I actually did it though.
cuckoo cola is still stuck in my head. Confusedad:
LeNeve Wrote:back in my day I had to copy my reports by hand from real encyclopedias at the library. I would mess the grammar, spelling, and dumb down a few of the big words, on purpose so it looked like I actually did it though.

Is that the new version of "walking a mile, up hill both ways, in the snow, to school"?

Why in my day, we actually had to read, and re-write what we were copying...
beckster aka Tatertits Wrote:I would murder a person for this:
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
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