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Monday 12/6/2010 - Day 3 of the same show......
JDubb Wrote:
Chip Wrote:
JDubb Wrote:That wasn't meant as a shot.

It was a little bit.
Saying if everyone had a Mac there would be no need for IT guys?

What I meant was Macs so not have the same level of problems to support as PC but they are not perfect either. I have always been told by IT guys' "thank god for PC's it makes for job security." Also not a shot, PCs are built on a more open platform which is great for the consumer because they have options but it creates nightmares for developers and compatibility.

Quit bringing logic into those and start calling people names.
What kind of forum do you think this is?
JDubb Wrote:Wow, I'm glad I missed the ITS today otherwise I would be so pissed right now. If you want a PC buy a FUCKING PC. I like mac that is what I am going to buy. I'm not going to tell you you are wrong and you are not going to tell me I'm worng. You want a PC buy the FUCKING PC, if you want a Mac buy the FUCKING Mac. It's your preference just like blackberry v. droid v. iPhone. I have been part of these agruments for so long and they are always the same :killme:

IT guys are always on the same side of the argument which makes sence. They need PCs otherwise they wouldn't have a job or a staff to service them.
Blame it on me I guess! I started it!!!
 - I’m a loner, Dottie, a rebel.
eddieyourdj Wrote:
Pete Nice Wrote:I saw a Sony Laptop at Best Buy yesterday that I really want.
I really want to give the MacBook Pro a shot, but I hesitate!!!
Yep, I started this fiasco...sorry! Really, I'm not...suck it!!!
 - I’m a loner, Dottie, a rebel.
eddieyourdj Wrote:
eddieyourdj Wrote:
Pete Nice Wrote:I saw a Sony Laptop at Best Buy yesterday that I really want.
I really want to give the MacBook Pro a shot, but I hesitate!!!
Yep, I started this fiasco...sorry! Really, I'm not...suck it!!!

my stalls all have a lincoln ls in them right now. 1st time that has ever happened.
I think I'm going to pretend that I am unemployed for the next 12 minutes.
JDubb Wrote:Wow, I'm glad I missed the ITS today otherwise I would be so pissed right now. If you want a PC buy a FUCKING PC. I like mac that is what I am going to buy. I'm not going to tell you you are wrong and you are not going to tell me I'm worng. You want a PC buy the FUCKING PC, if you want a Mac buy the FUCKING Mac. It's your preference just like blackberry v. droid v. iPhone. I have been part of these agruments for so long and they are always the same :killme:

IT guys are always on the same side of the argument which makes sence. They need PCs otherwise they wouldn't have a job or a staff to service them.
Oh yeah I like PCs because I just can't get enough of fixing broken stuff instead of actually designing new systems for companies. I don't need broken stuff to keep me busy.

I few months ago a magazine company that was a client decided to get rid of their Microsoft Exchange server for a MAC server running Kerio. It would have taken me 5 hours to configure a new Exchange server and they wound up paying for 80 hours of support on their MAC server because Apple just ins't the right solution for a business.

Saying that MACs have less problems than PCs is like saying that Sony Mini Disks players had less problems than CD players. The amount of people that actually owned a mini disk player compared to a CD player would lead me to believe that a lot more CD players broke.

Also are you comparing MAC to PC or MAC to Windows? Some vesions of Windows sucked, but some like 7 are pretty dame good. What about Linux on a PC? Some of my linux PCs run pretty good and some run like shit.

What if you're running Windows on a MAC? Does it automatically make it a solid machine because of the glowing Apple on the front?

If MACs don't break then what's the need for a Genius Bar or companies that specialize in MAC support?
One final comment. DBN runs on a Windows 2008 server. :cya:
Derick Wrote:
Pete Nice Wrote:I'm right, your wrong.

Where is Joe?
busy setting up his new macbook

I'd own one for the learning experience, but I've helped clients with them at different times and was not impressed.

Do people know why you get Malware on PCs? It's bcause people write malware for PCs. It's not because it's not possible on MAC. If a hacker wants credit card info do you think he's going to target the smaller group of people?

[Image: 9349_mac_vs_pc.jpg]
Joe Wrote:One final comment. DBN runs on a Windows 2008 server. :cya:
So apparently my testicular pain was something. I've bees in the er since 4. Morphine and a ct scan. They think it's kidney stones
[Image: cat.gif]
I'm a juggernaut of awesomeness
Derick Wrote:So apparently my testicular pain was something. I've bees in the er since 4. Morphine and a ct scan. They think it's kidney stones

You just virtually junked us talking about yout testicular area.
Joe Wrote:
Derick Wrote:So apparently my testicular pain was something. I've bees in the er since 4. Morphine and a ct scan. They think it's kidney stones

You just virtually junked us talking about yout testicular area.

How does a healthy young guy get kidney stones?

I'm the opposite of healthy living. I drink way too much. I smoke. I eat the crappiest foods. I don't exercise. I breath chemical fumes daily, and get cancerous fluids soaked into my skin. I don't sleep. I get angry enough to cause my vision to go blurry almost daily. I shot a load unprotected 3 times, and have 3 kids. The only ailment I have experienced lately is constant sneezing today, and probaly from the dust I was blowing out from a dashboard.
The only healthy thing I do is drink a gallon or two of water every day.
Sometimes I think all the crap I have ingested into my body has made stronger.

Bad crap always happens to the smartest people. Derick does say he drinks Mt. Dew like water though.
mini macs, and i phones cause kidney stones. Totally obvious now. I changed my mind again. I don't even want real apples in my house now.

an apple a day gives you kidney stones, that are gay.
I had morphine once. it made me want to throw up, then I fell asleep. I could have gotten by with a milder pain killer. hydrocodone works very well for me. I don't need the pain to go away totally, just get it down to a dull throbbing.

Don't turn into a junkie.

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