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Hondo Wrote:Meh.

By the way....TOMB is NOT "The Original Message Board" is the OTHER message board. That name came from me. The nutswinger reputation (deserved or not) comes from very public people that fit that description over there. Do I need to name names? Any group bears the rep that it's most high-profile people show off. Obviously as a percentage there's no more nutswingers there than anywhere guys just have the professionals. The fact that it goes to the extremes it does tars everyone.

This division came about because potentially difficult things for C&R to have to deal with (Jenn Sterger immediately comes to mind) were being discussed. At some level there you guys decided that staying on their good side was more important than free expression of thoughts and ideas. That was part one. The people who didn't dig that way of thinking left. We didn't cause it....someone over there made that decision for us. Whether you want to admit it or not DBN is still treated as second class by C&R....and that's a shame. It's also a slap in the face to some truly loyal fans here. Then you got the JIW type who strikes me as being more of a stalker than a nutswinger. Add it up hombre....

Chello...take a fucking valium already. If an internet forum gets you that riled up you probably need to get out more. You're taking something personally that wasn't targeted at you.
The ORIGINAL can NEVER be "the other", pal... just to clarify... and just because some fucking sissies couldn't take rules on a message board... really? Check ANY other message board on the net... you're lucky not to get banned for double posting... has nothing to do with free expression... it's the rules of a site by the people that own/run it... period... if you don't like it... LEAVE... and you did... and I'm glad...

And Pete, you saying you're sticking to your word is fantastic... you know what would be even awesomer? Realizing that times changed and no one would be anything but happy if you came back. If sticking to your guns is that important, fine.
So myself, Pete Derick, Brampton, Brian and a bunch of others are sissies? Damn I was trying to be nice.
Joe Wrote:If anyone calls you are Mercer a nutswinger it's all in good fun. You are both proven good guys and we all like having you here.

Thanks man, appreciate that.
Rockitdog-C&R forum
Twitter: @TheMattEllis, FB:
By the way, before I left TOMB I was like a top 5 contributor as were all the the original members of DBN. We were the ones resposible for getting TOMB off the ground.

3 years later and I'm still ranked in the top 25. Nam sayin'?

[Image: kind-of-a-big-deal.gif]
I'm glad you're glad...and the tone of your post is exactly why I left....and why I won't be back. And "pal"'s OTHER to us. I put that name out there in the first place. You go right ahead and think whatever you want....but you don't get to change what you didn't make up...not here at least.

Having admin'd a board with over 300K members for over 10 years I guarantee you I know more than a little about this. I must have missed the rule that said "No talking about anything the guys don't want to deal with. They are celebrities and as such anything is fair game. You're quite right's their house and they can do whatever they want to do. And because they took the easy path with some power-mad moderators (and no, you are not among that group as far as I can recall) they got two boards.

It's pretty obvious to me (now) that you certainly don't give a damn about DBN and its members which actually comes as a sad surprise because I always had you figured as a stand-up guy. I suspect that attitude is shared a lot higher up the chain than you are. Which is fine by me....I've gotten to the point where the people here are WAY more important to me than the show is anyway. This place will be around a lot longer than you guys just have the show holding you together. Think about that....and take as long as you need.
Hondo Wrote:This place will be around a lot longer than you guys just have the show holding you together. Think about that....and take as long as you need.

Fuck.... I am going to be an 80 year old guy running a forum out of his basement.
Joe Wrote:Fuck.... I am going to be an 80 year old guy running a forum out of his kid's basement.

The last time there were 4 women on TOMB was when Iva, T and Beckster were on there so I'm sure he's taking a shot at 1 or 2 of the 3.

JoshinWinnipeg Wrote:
JesinVegas Wrote:Is 4 nussies on the forum at one time a record?? Might be!
I think we have had 4 in the past.... but I think two of the nussies here when we set the record were really ugly so they don't really count

For that I'd say if he ever goes to another DBC he won't have a good time.
BDH Wrote:
Chip Wrote:
Joe Wrote:
chelofellow Wrote:Hondo can eat a bowl of dicks

That's not very friendly

Which is odd, because everyone is always so friendly and open to other peoples ideas over on TOMB
Some of you clowns are the worst "pot calling the kettle black" I've ever seen...

I can be a dick(very rarely, but you know this, Chip) but I am usually funny and easy to get along with... maybe I miss it when it happens, but when is the last time something was "over-moderated" on the board? And when is the last time you saw someone calling "you people" over here idiots or backstabbers??

Fucks sake, man... I thought we got over the whole renegade board/over-moderating crap a long time ago... the majority of us get along, so why the constant digs? Is it so you can constantly be reminded of the war that once was? Jesus. You're like a fucking Vietnam was vet that related everything to "Nam"...

I'm confused.
I was just making a joke about how everyone (here and there) are set in their opinions.
Ok, maybe the "friendly" joke was about how you seemed to flip out on that music subject.
I really had no idea what your angle was, and I'm pretty sure you had mine wrong.
Joe Wrote:The last time there were 4 women on TOMB was when Iva, T and Beckster were on there so I'm sure he's taking a shot at 1 or 2 of the 3.

JoshinWinnipeg Wrote:
JesinVegas Wrote:Is 4 nussies on the forum at one time a record?? Might be!
I think we have had 4 in the past.... but I think two of the nussies here when we set the record were really ugly so they don't really count

For that I'd say if he ever goes to another DBC he won't have a good time.

Looks like a fucking personal shot there to me BDH what say you? There is no doubt that was a shot a T, Beckster and Iva, three great chicks. That is the shit Josh has been doing for two years, that and deleting posts, chamging posts and he even had a real tiny slur against dbn in his signature once. Fuck that guy, he can play in traffic while eating a bowl of Spot dicks. He is why I will not come back to TOMB.

Sent from my taint.
I was a Little League superstar, don't hate.

Dudebro #5 on the Rich Davis poll and Dudebro #11 on the Steve Covino Poll.  Former Dudebro #18.
[Image: 1square07.jpg][Image: 1square01.jpg]
Joe Wrote:
BDH Wrote:
Joe Wrote:Can't really say "our board" cause Covino and Rich own it. :wink:

Do people really still post DBN links over on TOMB other than Jdubb's link to the football picks?
I'm sure you're forgetting Chip's avatar. And yes... the occasional link goes up. And I can say "our board" cuz I work there.

I have to turn avatar's on to see what Chip has.

I'm just pushing your buttons. Any jabs at you are mearly just ball busting.

If they weren't I'd just ban ya. :wink:

My avatar over there is the QR code thing that when you scan it on a phone, it links over here.
I actually check it once in a while to see if it's still the same one I put up.
I think Michelangelo has the same one over there.
Chip Wrote:My avatar over there is the QR code thing that when you scan it on a phone, it links over here.
I actually check it once in a while to see if it's still the same one I put up.
I think Michelangelo has the same one over there.

I used that as an avatar at one point.
Joe Wrote:
Chip Wrote:My avatar over there is the QR code thing that when you scan it on a phone, it links over here.
I actually check it once in a while to see if it's still the same one I put up.
I think Michelangelo has the same one over there.

I used that as an avatar at one point.

I thought it was pretty clever.
Dang that Cousin Nate... all he has done is cause problems and start fights! :douche:
Rockitdog-C&R forum
Twitter: @TheMattEllis, FB:
MattInMinnesota Wrote:Dang that Cousin Nate... all he has done is cause problems and start fights! :douche:

Blame Jdubb. I don't know why, but I'm sure it's his fault.

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