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Pawn Shop
negadave Wrote:
LeNeve Wrote:I have never bought anything from a pawn shop. I have bought things from people that are on drugs and need the money though. ninja motorcycle for 500 bucks. I bought it quick. This was in December of 2000. I drove that thing to work everyday until March. He came to me and wanted it back. I said give me the 500 back and take it. So basically, the only thing he lost on the deal was the miles I put on it. I'm still real good friends with him. He goes through these phases like that. Last week he offered to sell me his PS3 and all the games for 200. I declined, because, I have kids now, and they use all my money.

Even if you say the dude is your good buddy, i don't know if i'd want a guy like that just "stopping by" my house. What happens when your not home and you left your chainsaw outside?

This guy is a great friend to me. High school buddies. There were times where I stayed with him, he let me borrow vehicles, anything I needed. He is alot better now. I also have my property on lockdown. I know if something is going on. I also have have locks on everything. I have keys like a janitor, that my family has to come ask for. My wife hates it.

I knew right away who stole the chainsaw, it was an aquaintance at the time, and has since vanished. At this point in my life I have weeded out the problem friends. This was 5 years ago.

I believe in kharma big time. All the shit I did, it was paid back to me.

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