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I went to the bar last night. Had my wife go drop me off. It started off mild enough. Then I saw some friends, I went and sat with them. The usual talk about starting our own businesses, and how we all hate working for someone. Then my wife shows back up. I like to embarass her. I started dancing like a fool. She got mad, which made me act more foolish. So there I am dancing like a robot, doing every shitty dancing move I have ever seen. A couple girls started dancing around with me, and their boyfriends wanted to beat me up. My wife wanted to beat the girls up. That is a succesful night to me.

During my dance routine I noticed at least 4 phone cameras recording me, that just put fuel to the fire. It was a lot of fun.

This morning I'm at work, totally hung over, just struggling through the morning. My boss shows up to work on his race car. He looks at me and says "dude, you are going to be on youtube, you really cut loose last night" Apparently he was there, and saw the whole thing. He said his friends were recording me too. :roflmao:

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