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Bug Out Bag (BOB)

I personally think they overdo it a little bit here.

Camelback makes a nice smaller backpack that includes a water storage bladder that is somewhere around 2 or 3 gallons. That is perfect.

You do not need cooking supplies, cutlery and dishes. Your food should be much easier to eat than that. 10 Energy bars, 5 freeze dried camping meals and 2 MRE's should be more than enough for 72 hours and will take up most of the room in your bag.

First Aid kit yes

Notebook with info and a plan yes

Maps? Not really, maybe one of the entire country on one side and the world on the other.

Camping Equipment? No, maybe for long term survival, but for a 72 hour getaway, there will be places to crash.

Clothes? Just socks, about 5 pair. everything else should be on your body and based off the season. Never shorts.

Bedding? Again, no. Takes up too much space and you can crash in the car or something.

Medicine? Yes. Everyone needs to stock up on Penicillin. That is going to be like gold in the zombie invasion. Take all the Penicillin you can get. Pack a silenced bottle of string pain relief also. And any medicine your body needs to operate properly.

Pet, Child and Elderly care needs? Pets will have to fend for themselves. Children should have their own bag as long as they are over 2 years old. Elderly who can move need to take care of themselves also.

Radio. Yes a small hand crank one.

Lighting? Yes a flashlight or two and maybe a few glow sticks. One of those new solar powered mag lights would be great. Also, gun lights.

Firearms? :duh: with at least 100 rounds for each and maybe 200 or 300 for the primary weapon. I would think two pistols (one on each thigh0, maybe three depending on your combat vest load system, a shotgun that can be strapped onto your back and an assault rifle with some sort of optics.

Cash? Yes but it will only be good for maybe a week or two before it becomes nothing more than colored paper, at which point gold, silver, gems, penicillin and M&M's will become the most likely forms of currency.

I would add, compass, small handheld GPS, my military grade laptop with spare batteries (these can be charged via the handcrank radio, they have plugs on them) Knives, leatherman, cell phone, Machette, some form of a pistol belt based combat load system and a vest based combat load system, sunglasses, eye protection, passport/ss card/license/birth cert, syphon (for gas).

That should about do it.

Anyone else have thoughts, ideas, items?
I was a Little League superstar, don't hate.

Dudebro #5 on the Rich Davis poll and Dudebro #11 on the Steve Covino Poll.  Former Dudebro #18.
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