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Questions that arise from Zombieland
So I saw Zombieland on Friday and it was great. You have to go see it. It might be one of the funniest movies I have seen in a while, right up there with the Hangover.

A few zombie related questions arose though.

1. The entire can zombies run theory. They run in this movie, but can they really run? In the Resident Evil movies the only ones that can run are the super zombies from Apocalypse. There are two reasons why I do not think zombies will be able to run. 1. They are still dead and their bodies still are deteriorating. 2. They have decreased brain function, I am not sure their brains will be able to differentiate running and walking.

2. Can zombies climb? It has long been stated that zombies can not climb. The zombie survival guide tells you to go to the second floor of your house and destroy the steps and the zombies will never reach you. In zombieland they climb that amusement park ride. In resident evil, the only ones who are able to climb are, again, the super zombies in Apocalypse. Again, I do not think zombies will be able to climb, for the same reasons as they will not be able to run.

3. Does anyone remember what it was that patient zero ate that started the infection. It was something from fast food, but for the life of me I forget what they said.

4. Disguising yourself as a zombie. A character in the movie did this and apparent LEE was able to walk all over LA without being disturbed b/c the zombies do not bother thier own kind. I do not hink this even has the slightest chance of working. I feel it was done for comedic reasons. Their is not way you could put on makeup and pretend to be a zombie. They would pick you out right away. If I am correct, sight is the worst sense for zombie, they find you from sound and smell, one of which is an enhanced sense for them.

5. Not really a question, but these guys were using shotguns and .22 long rifles as weapons in the movie. Columbus even was using a double barrel that needed reloaded every time. Shotguns look cool in movies, but should are one of the worst primary weapons you could ever have to fight zombies.

Rule #2 Double Tap.
I was a Little League superstar, don't hate.

Dudebro #5 on the Rich Davis poll and Dudebro #11 on the Steve Covino Poll.  Former Dudebro #18.
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