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Does Technology Hurt?
I refuse to let my baby watch TV, because I watch her older sister (who was raised in front of it) struggle with simple social skills and be unable to focus. I love technology, too. But I need to figure out when and how much to introduce it to my kid, so she is up with the times, but is also able to contribute to society.

Thought this was interesting, too.,%202013
Just because someone can call me Mom now doesn't mean I am gonna be Betty Freakin Cocker and bake any pies.
Beckster is the new Dexter
We dont let the baby watch tv either, although I will let him sneak a peak at hockey. He gets bored with tv in about 30 seconds anyway. But as he gets older, we are really going to limit him. We want him reading and playing outside, not watching tv all the time.

Computers I am not sure yet. By the time he gets to school, everything is going to be on tablets anyway, so we will probably get him one when he reaches school and put strick parental blocks on it.

Cell phone. Maybe kne of those emergency ones at 12 that only calls mom, dad and the police. No real one until 16.

sent from a steak giving a bloody BJ.
I was a Little League superstar, don't hate.

Dudebro #5 on the Rich Davis poll and Dudebro #11 on the Steve Covino Poll.  Former Dudebro #18.
[Image: 1square07.jpg][Image: 1square01.jpg]
The school district I've been working with has kids on computers in the first grade. Some of the grade schools have the kids using tablets.
TV: my kids watch it but they aren't glued to it. If you give them a choice to go outside they will. They love it outdoors.

Computers: my kids don't touch it. Once they get old enough to use it there will be rules, you break it you lose it.

Cell phone: when they drive, they can get one. I paid for my own phone when I was 17-18. They will too!
Joe Wrote:The school district I've been working with has kids on computers in the first grade. Some of the grade schools have the kids using tablets.
A good friend is the IT teacher at the high school. He says they start teaching the basics in grade 1. All high school students starting next fall will require a laptop or tablet to take notes. The school is being set up to have wifi and an email server so each teacher can email work that needs to be done.
If the program works well with the high school students it will be integrated to the middle school students as well.
I am not a fan of letting kids use computers/tablets to take notes.

You know they are just going to be playing games and emailing and on facebook.

I think the computers should be closed in class and notes belong in a notebook.
I was a Little League superstar, don't hate.

Dudebro #5 on the Rich Davis poll and Dudebro #11 on the Steve Covino Poll.  Former Dudebro #18.
[Image: 1square07.jpg][Image: 1square01.jpg]
Pete Nice Wrote:I am not a fan of letting kids use computers/tablets to take notes.

You know they are just going to be playing games and emailing and on facebook.

I think the computers should be closed in class and notes belong in a notebook.

I can put a system in place that can lock down computers and tablets that won't let them do anything except take notes. The system I'm setting up for the district in Maryland won't let them install anything on their laptops. All software is installed from a central server that pushes the software to the students based on what classes they have. Internet browsing it locked down to the websites the school wants them to go to.

There's also a system that locks down iPads. It prevents from installing unwanted apps. It installs it's own app store that the students can choose pre-selected apps from.
She is not getting a cell phone until she is a teenager and she will babysit or whatever to make money to help pay for it... only so she is more responsible. I've asked people why they have gotten their kids cellphones and they always tell me, it's so they can get a hold of them from school. Well, my kid can go to the school office if I need to be contacted.

I gave Jim's daughter my old pc (Windows 2000) to play with and I won't put it online for her. We bought educational games for it and that's all she's allowed... especially with her grades tanking lately. Bri might be given more access than her sister, but I will not allow her any unsupervised time and it will mostly be educational sites/programs. Other games will be extremely limited and based on her having excellent grades in school. Pete is right, note taking and the such should still be handwritten in a notebook. Really, the elementary school years should be limited access to pcs, while kids are learning basic skills.

TV is one thing I will be fighting people over while she matures. Jim said to me that at some point I would want her out of my hair and tell her to go watch TV. Oh bullshit, I would tell her to go play with her toys or read a book before I'd ever say that. I say that to his kid now and she hates it.
Just because someone can call me Mom now doesn't mean I am gonna be Betty Freakin Cocker and bake any pies.
Beckster is the new Dexter
Joe Wrote:
Pete Nice Wrote:I am not a fan of letting kids use computers/tablets to take notes.

You know they are just going to be playing games and emailing and on facebook.

I think the computers should be closed in class and notes belong in a notebook.

I can put a system in place that can lock down computers and tablets that won't let them do anything except take notes. The system I'm setting up for the district in Maryland won't let them install anything on their laptops. All software is installed from a central server that pushes the software to the students based on what classes they have. Internet browsing it locked down to the websites the school wants them to go to.

There's also a system that locks down iPads. It prevents from installing unwanted apps. It installs it's own app store that the students can choose pre-selected apps from.

I should set a system up in this house like that!!!
Just because someone can call me Mom now doesn't mean I am gonna be Betty Freakin Cocker and bake any pies.
Beckster is the new Dexter
Ok, I adore Jim's older daughter. She's a sweet kid. But let me tell you, it is so obvious that people plopped her in front of the tv since she was a toddler. She isn't able to retain information well and she doesn't want to do anything but watch tv. She struggles to learn. Shoot, she will watch a show or movie, but not be able to tell you anything about what she just watched. She hates when it's just her and me, because I don't allow the tv on during the day. I had the news on and she was hypnotized by it, she didn't want to watch the news, but the tv was on so she had to stare at it. She has no interests and never wants to do anything. Shit, I took her to a hockey game 2 years ago.. she complained (her mom taught her that sports are dumb). I took her to see the Tigers this past summer and she was even able to run the bases!!!! She was a brat the whole game. I've tried to come up with other fun stuff, but you can't even take her on a walk without her bitching the entire time.

I am only saying all this because, whatever it takes, don't let this happen to your kids.
Just because someone can call me Mom now doesn't mean I am gonna be Betty Freakin Cocker and bake any pies.
Beckster is the new Dexter
I disagree with not letting them have a cell phone before they drive. Running around the neighborhood or spending the night with a friend, it is a vital tool these days for communication.
Also I think that today's kids need to be taught via laptops/tablets at an early age. It's the way that education & learning is going.
Every generation, it seems, many fail to see & accept the advances in technology & communication.
There needs to be a balance of under & over exposure though!!!
 - I’m a loner, Dottie, a rebel.
eddieyourdj Wrote:I disagree with not letting them have a cell phone before they drive. Running around the neighborhood or spending the night with a friend, it is a vital tool these days for communication.
Also I think that today's kids need to be taught via laptops/tablets at an early age. It's the way that education & learning is going.
Every generation, it seems, many fail to see & accept the advances in technology & communication.
There needs to be a balance of under & over exposure though!!!

I'm shocked by Eddie's view on this. I figured he's be old school slide rulers and stuff. :wink:
Joe Wrote:
eddieyourdj Wrote:I disagree with not letting them have a cell phone before they drive. Running around the neighborhood or spending the night with a friend, it is a vital tool these days for communication.
Also I think that today's kids need to be taught via laptops/tablets at an early age. It's the way that education & learning is going.
Every generation, it seems, many fail to see & accept the advances in technology & communication.
There needs to be a balance of under & over exposure though!!!

I'm shocked by Eddie's view on this. I figured he's be old school slide rulers and stuff. :wink:
...& that too!!! :-)
 - I’m a loner, Dottie, a rebel.
eddieyourdj Wrote:I disagree with not letting them have a cell phone before they drive. Running around the neighborhood or spending the night with a friend, it is a vital tool these days for communication.
Also I think that today's kids need to be taught via laptops/tablets at an early age. It's the way that education & learning is going.
Every generation, it seems, many fail to see & accept the advances in technology & communication.
There needs to be a balance of under & over exposure though!!!
I agree Eddie. The other part is making sure the teachers know how to use them too. I think too many school districts get their grants for technology to buy laptops and tablets but don't show the teacher how to use them. Too many just throw the technology in front of the student and say, learn. Those are the classrooms where the kids spend all day gaming and on FB. The teachers need to change their teaching methods and teach from the back of the room so they can see the screens on the students desks.

Also, this fall my daughter will be given a laptop and tablet when she starts college. Her school has been issuing laptops for years but this is the first year to also issue the iPad mini. They were telling us that about half of the textbook will be available this year via the tablet and within the next year or so the majority of texts will be electronic.

Remember about a month or two ago Covino was talking about getting Melody a tablet so she didn't fall behind all the other 3 yr olds?
I remember back like 10 years ago my friend was telling me that he put his 4 or 5 year old on a computer every night and let him play learning games. He said they teachers at his school said he was so far ahead of the class because of it.

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