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Relationships - Printable Version

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Relationships - negadave - 06-27-2010

How many people did you have relationships with before you found the one for you?

I've had not a ton of random (20-25)
I had a few hook ups in high school, dated a chick for like 6 months when i was 17, and got a girl when i was 19 that i stayed with for like 5 years. Shit was awesome for awhile with her.
Once she went away to college she started clubing and her roomates got in her ear about dating dudes who's major would make them alot of $ shit changed. I bang nails for a living. Honest work but i'm not gonna get rich doing it. Long story short, this chick wanted a baller lifestyle a carpenter can't provide.So we broke up.

I've dated 4 other girls since that were good girls. Always though after like 3-4 months, i can tell they're way more into me than i am into them. I see where shit is headed (when are we getting marrried? When are we having kids? When are we buying a house?) and i bail. I never feel that same connection like i did with that one girl.

A few of my boys are married already with kids and they're wives make they're lives miserable.

I'm 30 now and my mom's always saying shit about grandkids, my aunts are always, "you dating anybody"?

I'm kinda thinking it's more bullshit to deal with than it's worth.

Is it weird to still be single at my age? Should i get with some chick just because she meets certain criteria and it's expected cause it's the norm?
Got any words of wisdom? :blahblah: :beer:

Re: Relationships - the keifer - 06-27-2010

I'm almost 30 and single so I haven't found mine yet. I've dated around but never had anything too serious. My longest one was back in High school which only lasted 3 months. Other than that, it's been just casual dates. The fact that my two closest friends are divorced and paying child support before thirty makes me not wanna rush into things too soon. If that M word comes up too many times within the first two weeks of dating someone, poof!!! I'm gone :cya: .
Just my 2 cents.

Re: Relationships - Hondo - 06-27-2010

negadave Wrote:I'm kinda thinking it's more bullshit to deal with than it's worth.

Well, that's because you're right. Much respect to you my friend because you get it, and a LOT of people don't. There's a big reason half the marriages end in divorce. We typically suck at picking people for the long haul. If you settle (Don't be a Pilgrim) you will end up doing one of two things:

1) Getting divorced

2) Banging someone else

And you will be miserable regardless. The fact you realize this and have bailed when you don't feel the chemistry tells me you have your shit together and by doing so are avoiding a shitload of grief later on.

When you find the right person you'll know. Don't ask me how....but you'll know. You just have to hope you can hold it together over the long haul...and it's not an easy task. I was married for 13 years and will likely never do it again. Unless she's rich. I mean like big 7 or 8 figures rich. You get to marry for love once. Doing it twice is asking for it. You marry for money and if it goes to shit at least you can keep all the cool shit you bought with her money.

My personal thought is anyone that gets married before they are 30 is asking for trouble. After 30 you pretty much have life figured out and that helps.

Re: Relationships - Beckster - 06-27-2010

I am 28yrs old (33yrs legally) and I am not married. So, no there isn't anything wrong with it. I catch hell about it from everyone. "When are you gonna settle down?"... "When are you going to start your family?"... "I want grandbabies!"... "Isn't your clock ticking?"... "You are aware that you are running our of time, right?"........ All of the damn time. :roll:

This September, I've been putting up with Jim for 4 years. One of my longest relationships ever. Before him, I had about 4 semi-serious relationships and a number of casual dates. I will say one thing about most of my previous relationships.. I was great friends with all of them. The problem was that I looked at those guys and saw no future with them. The first guy, my mom and grandma were on my ass all the time that he was the one I should marry. He was a hard-working guy who could build/fix everything. He was fun, but a work-aholic who never wanted to go anywhere or do anything fun. Things ended with him when he went to college anyway... We got distant fast.

I'm terrified of marriage... though not completely against it. But no way in hell would I ever rush into it. You gotta look at everything about that other person and decide if they are someone you can grow old with. If not, you're better off alone.

Re: Relationships - i bleed green - 06-27-2010

beckster aka Tatertits Wrote:I am 33
[Image: old_lady01.jpg][Image: escalator.gif]

Re: Relationships - Beckster - 06-27-2010

i bleed green Wrote:
beckster aka Tatertits Wrote:I am 33
[Image: old_lady01.jpg][Image: escalator.gif]

:finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: