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11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - Printable Version

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Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - Brampton - 11-10-2011


Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - Brampton - 11-10-2011

is this what Chip thinks bowling is like when he's hammered?
[Image: U919R.gif]

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - michaelangelo - 11-10-2011

:high5: brampton for getting us to the next page. i had to answer the phone and got sidetracked.

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - Chip - 11-10-2011

Brampton Wrote:is this what Chip thinks bowling is like when he's hammered?
[Image: U919R.gif]

That looks like a 6 pound ball.

When I'm real far gone, I stumble to the approach to the right after I throw it.

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - the keifer - 11-10-2011

Gotta hit the road. Peace out peeps! :cya:

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - javsto - 11-10-2011

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://news.yahoo.com/wilson-ramos-kidnapped-nationals-catcher-abducted-venezuela-094523319.html">http://news.yahoo.com/wilson-ramos-kidn ... 23319.html</a><!-- m -->

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - JDubb - 11-10-2011

Try to use one of these words in your conversations today...

The Nastiest Words In American Heritage's Last Print Dictionary

bezoar-A hard indigestible mass of material such as hair, plant fibers or seeds, found in the stomach or intestine of animals especially ruminants and sometimes humans. Bezoars were formerly considered to be antidotes to poisons and to possess magic properties.

coprophagous-adj. feeding on excrement: coprophagous beetles.

exsanguintate-v. to drain of blood.

meconium-n. A dark green fecal intestines and is discharged at or near birth time.

mucopurulent-adj. Containing mucus and pus.

offal-n. Waste parts, especially of a butchered animal. Refuse; rubbish.

stinkhorn-n. Any of several foul-smelling fungi of the order Phallales, such as Phallus inpudicus or P.ravenelii, having a thick cylindrical stalk and a narrow cap.

vomica-n. Prefuse expectroration of putrid matter. An abnormal pus-containing cavity, usually in a lung, caused by deterioration of tissue. The pus contained in such a cavity.

effluvium-n. A usally invisible emanation or exhalation, as a vapor or gas. A-A byproduct or residue; waste. B-The odorous fumes given off by wste or decaying matter. C-An impalpable emanation; an aura.

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - NussieT - 11-10-2011

Brampton Wrote:now my 12 hours from hell begin. Work is fun Confusedarcasm:

Do you work 3 twelve hour shifts?

Re: Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - Donginator - 11-10-2011

Chip Wrote:
Brampton Wrote:
Chip Wrote:Non CnR related news, but Ellis is taking 2 weeks off to go to rehab.
Apparently since his divorce he's fallen off the wagon.
I heard that as well. You think maybe his falling off the wagon led to the divorce?

sent from the legion of doom

It could have.
He's hinted that she had to put up with a lot.
I caught the end of the conversation, he said it had a lot to do with it

Is he on drugs? what he is going for I missed the beginning?

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - Chip - 11-10-2011

JDubb is awful like offal

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - LeNeve - 11-10-2011

thats a huge rocket dog

Re: Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - Chip - 11-10-2011

Donginator Wrote:
Chip Wrote:
Brampton Wrote:
Chip Wrote:Non CnR related news, but Ellis is taking 2 weeks off to go to rehab.
Apparently since his divorce he's fallen off the wagon.
I heard that as well. You think maybe his falling off the wagon led to the divorce?

sent from the legion of doom

It could have.
He's hinted that she had to put up with a lot.
I caught the end of the conversation, he said it had a lot to do with it

Is he on drugs? what he is going for I missed the beginning?

He said just drinking and weed.
But that he's losing control, and just putting an end to it now.

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - LeNeve - 11-10-2011

Chip Wrote:JDubb is awful like offal

lets exsanguintate him.

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - LeNeve - 11-10-2011

javsto Wrote:http://news.yahoo.com/wilson-ramos-kidnapped-nationals-catcher-abducted-venezuela-094523319.html

this was one of the comments. :roflmao:

"28% success rate stopping runners from stealing bases; 0% success rate stopping people from stealing himself!"

Re: 11/10/2011....No news vans is good news vans - Chip - 11-10-2011

LeNeve Wrote:
Chip Wrote:JDubb is awful like offal

lets exsanguintate him.
