Dudebro Nation
2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - Printable Version

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Re: 2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - LeNeve - 02-28-2012

OMFG!!!! nothing needs to be done about fucking jet dryer trucks or the "jet fuel" in them!!!!

30,000 people did not almost die because of a jet engine explosion.

go drink kerosene fucking dummies. vagisil eating morons. Jeebus, no wonder NASCAR gets a bad rap for being retarded, it's the actual fans.

I'm a fan. Confusedad:

Re: 2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - Chip - 02-28-2012

Brampton Wrote:Richard Marx

I have a Richard Marx CD somewhere...

Re: 2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - Beckster - 03-04-2012

Brampton Wrote:
LeNeve Wrote:
Brampton Wrote:why do people want to wear fake glasses?

I wear REAL glasses and friggin hate it. Its like when there is someone has a broken leg and someone grabs their crutches

I need glasses bad. I have to borrow my sisters to pass my eye exams for my driving tests. I don't want to wear glasses. Confusedad:

I tried contacts, but couldn't poke them in my eye correctly.
I tried contacts as well. Never again, and lasik is out of the question

Why not Lasik? I need to see if I qualify. I would love to be able to see without having to grab glasses or deal with contacts.

Re: 2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - Hondo - 03-05-2012

Brian Wrote:
Pete Nice Wrote:
Donginator Wrote:
Brampton Wrote:I asked my eye doctor about why the sun bothers my eyes so much, she said its normal for people with light colored eyes.

blue eyes FTW :high5:

WORD :high5:
Sweet, we're all Nazi's :high5:

Re: 2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - Beckster - 03-05-2012

Pete Nice Wrote:
DaveP Wrote:
Pete Nice Wrote:I love my contacts. It takes about two weeks to get used to putting them in. I never wear my glasses. I want to get lasik within the next two years though.

I had lasik 11 years ago.. it kinda wore off, and I had to get glasses again about 2 weeks ago. I don't regret it, but they said chances are I can't have the surgery again without fucking up my eyes

11 years of clear vision would SO be worth it though.

I could deal with that. People with clear vision have no idea what's like to wake up in the morning and feel around for your glasses, just to be able to see. I can squint enough to make out some things, but I get a headache after a while. The best thing about switching to contacts for me was that I could wear any kind of sunglasses I like and to actually look through binoculars, telescopes, old-school camera lens without having to deal with refocusing them.

Re: 2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - Beckster - 03-05-2012

Donginator Wrote:Rich is so right, the hardest part of my job search is getting out of my current job to go on a interview without looking suspicious

I have a small window on Thursday morning where I don't have to be to work until 11am, but the last interview I had ran over and I was still late. Confusedad:

Re: 2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - Beckster - 03-05-2012

MattInMinnesota Wrote:
Joe Wrote:52 miles each way to work.
That. Would. Suck.

I drive about 15 miles (currently)
Jim-butt has a 54 mile commute.

But my sister drives 97 miles one way to the prison in Yipsi.

Re: 2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - Beckster - 03-05-2012

Pete Nice Wrote:I have not been single more than 6 months since I was 22. for the two years between wives, I fucked a ton of sluts and bitches, but I also had a few regulars that I could have considered GF's for like 6 month periods during that time. But I was in no way faithful to them. In College I never had a GF more than 6 months, that was like the expiration date on a GF for me. I went through a lot of chicks in college also. High school I had a GF for 6 months senior year, besides that, it was mostly casual dates and stuff. A few random knobbers senior year.

If I admitted to a track record like that, I would be called a whore. [smiley]Just saying[/smiley]


Re: 2/28/12, Tuesday - This IST brought to you by Tide - Hondo - 03-05-2012

I'm bitching about my vision because at 44 it's slipped from 20-15 to 20-25. Still no need for corrective lenses though....yet. I can definitely tell a difference though.