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Full Version: AP Bikini Team Nussies Of The Week 1/11/10 NSFW!
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What's up everybody! We're continuing a look at the Ohio River Valley tour lol. Seems the last 2 or 3 weeks have been close to OH and PA. Most of the new clients are from that area so we've been doing a lot of concentrated hiring through there (or at least those willing to travel). Here are two more

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Milayna Marie
Washington, DC

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Holly Marie
Wheeling, WV

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I pick Holly. I'm not digging the other one so much, she has no ass.
while they both are very nice, no wiggles here. Although they both have blue eyes and I heart blue eyes
I agree with the above poster.
I've always thought blue eyes were overrated.Brown eyes are the shiz with a z.
I'd have to go with Holly on this one. The boobages not too big not too small. :hitit:
I banged a girl from Wheeling when I was in college at Duquesne.