Dudebro Nation

Full Version: Monday 22/04 - Earth Day 2013
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Good morning...
sup and stuff
I might have the snagglepuss flu. I was throwing up so hard this morning, blood started squirting out of my nose.

I feel sort of fine now though, and I'm at work. So maybe its not full blown snagglepuss.
earth day kicks ass. It was highly celebrated when I lived up in Colorado. bunch of hippies up there.
did everyone smoke tons of reefers this weekend. not me. reefers are for kids. I do coke like an adult.
reefer and coke free weekend
I have a probation meeting tomorrow, so my weekend was drug free too. My weekends have been drug free for awhile now actually. thats probaly why my shits all retarded, and I talk like a fag
Derick Wrote:reefer and coke free weekend
I've never done either and don't plan on starting now...
theres an episode of american Dad where Stan tries some crack thinking its cough syrup, then gets all fucked up on it, and majorly addicted. He doesn't want to get help though, because thats what the democrats do. always needing help and shit. its a real funny episode
JDubb Wrote:
Derick Wrote:reefer and coke free weekend
I've never done either and don't plan on starting now...
Died over the weekend.
touched her self to death
LeNeve Wrote:theres an episode of american Dad where Stan tries some crack thinking its cough syrup, then gets all fucked up on it, and majorly addicted. He doesn't want to get help though, because thats what the democrats do. always needing help and shit. its a real funny episode


Damn Obama.
Reese Witherspoon is a twat.
I think you should be able to be arrested just for saying "don't you know who I am?"
Chip Wrote:Reese Witherspoon is a twat.
I think you should be able to be arrested just for saying "don't you know who I am?"
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